Orange Tourmaline Gemstones
Oval – 1 to 5 Carats

SKU 0418
There are many names for this ovals pale color, so I decided to choose "tea". All it means is that there is enough brown, but not very much, to make a peach or pink a shade different. In this case the oval is basically a very pale desaturated orange. It is clean and bright and weighs 3.75 carats. 1074

SKU 0420
This hot pink oval is a beautiful stone. It is very flashy and appears to be eye clean, although it does have a little chipping on the pavilion. It medium toned body is not dichroic and weighs 2.32 carats. This is a fine example of dynamic color in tourmaline. Depending on the light source, this stone can be all hot pink or mostly vivid orange. 01104