Orange Tourmaline Gemstones
Octagonal – 1 to 5 Carats

SKU 0886
I like this color. Just brown does not do it justice because it is a vivid luxuriant brownish orange with yellowish flashes at times. It would be called a dravite, this material from East Africa is much better than most. It appears to be eye clean and has not problems with flash. It weighs 2.01 carats. 0305

SKU 0893
>> I like this gemstone. Its dichroic nature is noticeable face up with the dark peach tones in the ends of the emerald cut. But in this case the sides are not left far behind in tone and color in this peachy world. The total effect is of a bright flashy peachy world that appears to be eye clean. It weighs 2.47 carats. 1077